This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
The Ballad of Woodspring Apartments and Hamilton-Zanze

The Ballad of Woodspring Apartments and Hamilton-Zanze

Hamilton-Zanze is an investment group that specializes in buying what they call "undervalued properties" and making sure they get every bit of their money's worth of them, after they buy the buildings, kick out the residents, and double the rent, which is what they're trying to do with the only affordable housing apartment complex in Tigard, Oregon.  Rally on Saturday, 2 pm at 113th and Durham in Tigard with the residents!

This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
If I do an interview, whether as the interviewer or interviewee, or a livestream event, new song, audio essay or various other things, it’ll often go out as a podcast here.