Saturday marks the 57th anniversary of the sustained Israeli military assault on the USS Liberty, which resulted in 34 Americans dead and hundreds maimed. No one who was on the ship believes the "accident" story. This is a song for the Liberty veterans, who are meeting this weekend.
The latest version, enhanced by Chet Gardiner from his studio in Hawai'i, will be on our next album, which will be our third collaborative album in 2024! We’re aiming for a July 4th release date.
Those of you in northern California who come to a show in the Bay Area in August will get to hear Chet play live, backing me up at whichever shows I’ll be doing between August 10-14!
This Saturday in Portland I’ll be joining this benefit open mic.
The imminently-approaching tour of Australia looks like it will involve 12 great gigs!
There will be more gigs to add to this graphic soon, quite likely…
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