This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
"Section 12 (Do You Support the Resistance?)" REMIX

"Section 12 (Do You Support the Resistance?)" REMIX

My very prolific musical collaborator, Chet Gardiner, has come up with a very appropriately sinister backdrop for this song.

This is the first of two songs I wrote after the arrest of Palestine solidarity organizer and influencer, Sarah Wilkinson, in England at the end of August.

Like the other song on the subject ("On the Streets of London"), this song is not just about Sarah's ordeal, but all the other journalists who have been getting arrested by Keir Starmer's balaclava-wearing Mossad thugs.

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This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
If I do an interview, whether as the interviewer or interviewee, or a livestream event, new song, audio essay or various other things, it’ll often go out as a podcast here.