Song for the Houthi Army
Half the world’s trade passes by here
So much of it goes through Tel Aviv
Meanwhile in the port of Gaza
No ships can arrive, and not a boat can leave
While every day hundreds are dying
Beneath the rain of missiles fired from the air
Millions of starving Palestinians
On the run and being slaughtered everywhere
No safe place in the Gaza Strip
No armies coming to defend
While all over the planet people are asking
When will this savage bombing end?
How many more thousands of children
Can be killed while we stand by?
How can we just live our lives
While we watch the babies die?
Shukran jazeelan to the Houthi Army
Standing for the conscience of us all
When they say no business as usual
While the bombs continue to fall
For a country that doesn’t have an air force
They’re painting black, red, green, and white
On the helicopters that they use to board the ships
To show their cause is right
The president says this terrorism
Must stop right away
To which the Houthis respond, yes
That’s exactly what we’re trying to say!
Ships are going all the way ‘round Africa
To avoid the Houthi net
If Israel wants trading partners now they might be
Just a little harder to get
We can blockade ports all over
North, south, east and west
But the Houthi Army are the ones who are no doubt
Blocking the traffic the best
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