
New song: "It's A Coup"

Another song for the ongoing DOGE coup d'etat.

It's a Coup

DOGE is going in and taking over
Every department that exists
Laying off most of the workers
Making sure there's no one that they missed
Nothing that they're doing's Constitutional
This doesn't seem to be a concern
They just plow ahead with their agenda
Pretty soon the rest of us will learn

It’s a coup, it’s a coup
It certainly appears they have dropped the other shoe
They’re dismantling the state to make America great
Soon we get to find out if it's true

The policy is not to pay attention
To how anything had been done before
Just fire all the special prosecutors
That once were keeping score
Just fire all the regulators
Who once kept track of fraud and abuse
If you're completely unaccountable
Then you don't need an excuse

Why would we need division of powers
When our leaders always know the way
When we can just get rid of all the gridlock
And just do what the great men say
Democracy had many limitations
And now we can think of other things
Like what's the next chapter in the story that
This dictatorship may bring

Tour plans…

For those of you in the PNW, on February 22nd I’m doing a show in Hood River, Oregon.

After playing in Mexico on St. Patrick’s Day (specifics on that still TBA), Kamala and I will be in southern California for several days. So far no plans! Anyone in So Cal want to host a house concert or something?

Late March and the first half of April we’re in England. We have 2 gigs in London and 1 in Portsmouth. We’re looking forward to the visit, whether it’s a busy one or a restful one, but so far it’s looking decidedly on the restful side. If anyone in northern England, Wales, Scotland or Ireland might be inclined to organize something, I’d love to hear from you!

July in Australia involves confirmed gigs so far in Katoomba and Canberra. If you’re anywhere between Brisbane and Ballarat, in particular, but potentially anywhere else in Australia, we’d also love to hear from you about other gigs on that little continent.

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