This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
David Rovics interview on Gorilla Radio

David Rovics interview on Gorilla Radio

Here's Chris Cook's interview with me from yesterday, wherein I wax eloquent about the horrors for a half hour.

You can hear the entire show and subscribe to Gorilla Radio, which is a wonderful weekly podcast, on Substack. And to meet the host, come to my gig next weekend in Victoria, BC!

Fall Touring

Lots of gigs coming up next weekend and in early October in various parts of Washington, British Columbia, and Oregon! And then lots of gigs with Kamala Emanuel throughout November in Belgium, Scandinavia, and New England. There’s still room for more gigs in all areas, if anyone’s inclined to organize anything else!

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This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
If I do an interview, whether as the interviewer or interviewee, or a livestream event, new song, audio essay or various other things, it’ll often go out as a podcast here.