This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
"Divide and Rule" REMIX + AUSTRALIA!

"Divide and Rule" REMIX + AUSTRALIA!

Chet Gardiner has delivered a wonderful, old-timey remix of this song I just wrote, which shall be included in our ever-expanding upcoming album, to be titled I Heard A Rumor.

The song may or may not be the best song I've ever written. Judging from the vast majority of comments thus far, most people understand where I'm coming from here. Especially folks who have read some of the essays I've been writing related to social engineering.

But to clarify for those who aren't sure what I'm trying to say in this song: I don't at all mean to be suggesting that having an opinion or doing something about each of the issues mentioned in the verses is unimportant. Just that these issues are some of the issues that are being methodically used by the entities that control the social media matrix of hegemonic control that we all live in these days as useful tools for keeping us constantly engaging in circular arguments with each other, and thus rendered totally useless.

David Rovics with Kamala Emanuel singing "Song for Gaza" at rally for Palestine in Surfer's Paradise, Australia on Saturday. Lots more of that coming up! See below for a few graphics, but all the rest of the info about all 11 upcoming gigs in Australia can be found at

Northern California in August will be a lot of fun! Chet Gardiner will be joining me for most of these shows, on multiple instruments…

This Week with David Rovics
This Week with David Rovics
If I do an interview, whether as the interviewer or interviewee, or a livestream event, new song, audio essay or various other things, it’ll often go out as a podcast here.