So Many Ways to Kill a CEO
The company got big and began to grow
Til it ran the show
Hundreds of billions of dollars a year
Made by all the suits who steer
Towards maximizing profits
Til they were the biggest on the planet
By buying up all the competition
By buying off all the politicians
By delaying what they then deny
By defending their actions as they watch us die
Well, you know
There are so many ways to kill a CEO
They lobbied to make sure the ACA
Wouldn’t get in the way
Of profiting from our basic needs
Making sure we feed their corporate greed
They got bigger and bigger until
Even the DOJ said they should chill
On trying to monopolize everything
Just for more ka-ching ka-ching
How many lives have been lost
So they could keep down the cost
Of running a business on our backs
While raking in the stacks and stacks
Of profits that they stole from us
While we’re trying to live here under the bus
This kind of thing can’t go on forever
You don’t have to be so clever
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