That there is a solid song.

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Another gem, David


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I agree with the others, David, a really good song. Not only the words, but a solid, more folksy, melody.

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freezing rally? February 2003? a rally but no march? Sounds like NYC, near the U.N. THAT was cold, and protests didn't move Dubya's bald-faced lying administration one inch. More lies followed, a real tsunami. Another great song here, BTW.

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Long Covid is a modern form of SCURVY.

The symptoms are the same.

So I put in a request to the HHS for a Grant for $100,00. to study Long Covid.

According to the Wall Street 8-25-24, pg 1: 1

“ million people in the US have Long Covid with no known cure. “

Dr. Paul Kangas, JD.

15 Boardman Pl. 2nd Fl, SF, Ca. 94103.



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