This is brilliant. I picked up the COINTELPRO book ages ago and have dipped into it. I will try and find it... I have a lot of stuff packed up but I think I know where it is. It is a great song.

Things going well for Saturday's screening of THE LAST SKY. I will try and remember to aske Nick if I can send you the link and password.

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Love this Dave! I remember the incident and applauding, along with the rest of my then "tribe" of anti-war activists. Good to recall it, and let's see what it might inspire. A platoon of Snowdens? An Assange regiment?

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I don't know how you keep cranking them out, David, but I'm glad you do. Interesting that Trump picked Tulsi Gabbard to oversee the 18 versions of the US Secret Police and spy agencies. He has a few bones to pick with the FBI run "Russiagate" fraud and the Hunter Biden laptop coverup, among other things. Probably lots of material for new songs coming up.

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