David, I'm concerned by the word Jewish in this. Wouldn't Zionist be more appropriate?

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i understand your concern. but no, jewish is the word, because that's how the western press has been covering this -- it's about jewish victimhood, not zionist victimhood, in the eyes of the western media and politicians.

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Ok Islamist. Have fun in the 14th century.

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Hi David,

I very much admire your music and the sensibility behind it, although we seem to differ on this subject matter. In my life I am as much of an Atheist as it is possible to be, including I don't think the Bible in any of its forms should be used as a real estate document. However, when I look at what's going on in the region, it seems pretty clear to me which side I should support. If I were Gay, or a woman, or a person of color, or the Left Wing Atheist that I actually am, I would be in serious danger in Gaza and not even really noticed in Israel. That has to count for something, no?

So saying, the whole situation is obviously fucked. Netanyahu, who is similar to Trump in lots of ways, including using politics to stay out of jail, should be stopping the settlements instead of conducting this war on the people. At the same time, October 7 was not the right thing to do either, and one would think that bears mentioning as well.

From past performance though, it does seem clear that if Hamas in Gaza would put down their guns, there could be a negotiated peace; If Israel puts down their guns, there will be no more Israel. I don't think that should be the way to go. Somebody would really have to be anti Semitic to want only that. At the same time, all either side really is really fighting for is control of Jerusalem itself. Silly religions fighting each other and killing their own citizens because of it. Hard to care which side wins, in some ways.

I am also aware that it's only the numbers that make extreme Muslim behavior different from what extreme extreme Jewish Orthodox behavior would be if they had their choice and the numbers. Both Abrahamic religions are reading the same bad book. There's 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, but only 15 million Jews in the world - 9 million in Israel and 6 million in the diaspora. Big difference billions and millions, as you know. Reverse those numbers and who knows what complete genocide might occur. Personally, I trust none of them.

My solution to it all only pisses off any Jewish people I suggest it to. I say that if what really matters is being Jewish, and being allowed to live a Jewish life, and the cooking, and the loving their children so much, is really what is going on, why don't they sell the land of Israel to the highest bidder and go buy an island or something somewhere and stop fighting over religious ownership of Jerusalem. Go live a quiet Jewish life somewhere like you supposedly want and tell the rest of the world to keep fighting over Israel. Ask them in a few years how that's going for them. I guess this is somewhat silly given the protagonists, but as far as saving lives, this might work.

Here's a thought I have... Almost all of the conflict between Jews, Christians and Muslims stems from one sentence in the First Testament (The Torah) of the Bible. The sentence that says that God chooses the Jews as his Chosen People. Could you imagine being a Christian or a Muslim and having your God choose another group as His Chosen? It's like a bad Smothers Brothers episode with "Mommy always liked you best", as the theme. I don't think anyone is thinking of solving that conflict without all the Jews being gone completely so God has no other choice but to choose another group. Both Christians and Muslims have as part of their end game story the eradication of all the Jews. It's a hard thing to fight against.

Anyway, I just wanted to put all this in front of you to see what you thought and to see if you think vilifying the Jewish/Israel side is the only way to proceed.




647 567-4490

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brian, i appreciate you sharing your thoughts, but you've obviously been consuming way too much nonsense, and i would have no idea where to start making any sense of this. the palestinians are being killed en masse in a genocide. nothing else is relevant. if that's not obvious to you, you're watching western media and have no clue what's happening on the ground, or you're a sociopath incapable of empathy. one or the other. watch one episode of al-jazeera newshour from beginning to end and then get back to me.

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You're right, David, but pretty hard on the young(?) man. He's just trying; but .... all those dead children, families, etc.

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