nuance context and history are actively being deaded in the newspeak

black is white

up is down


antifa is fascist


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I have followed Naomi Klein since No Logo, and the Shock Doctrine was excellent. But more recently Klein has resorted to the conformity of shitlib talking points related to punditry on the populist Left, calling them conspiracy theorists. Really disappointing and condescending critique that only serves established power and interests.

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Thanks for covering the attacks on the feminists at the library. They got so little media coverage, in part because the fascists stole their go pros and cell phones. I hadn’t heard about the unmasked anarchists. Sheesh!

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Thanks for this David, although it was difficult to read past ‘Klein’ without feeling the trauma of Covid fascism returning into my being.

You already know that life is forever a dance between right and wrong relationship.

Until Covid, Klein was a hero of ours. Our unwillingness to read her work now and others in left intellectual spaces, is bc we still carry the wounds of what they became and how they sold out our basic human rights.

The Kleins and Chomskys of this world who, during Covid, gave permission to their fans to be discriminatory to those of us who opposed mandating experimental treatments made by known corporate criminals still send shudders of fear, rage and disbelief.

We can never unsee the human rights violations of leftist influencers.

Toby Rogers’ review of Klein’s latest book might be useful to cross examine with your own reading.


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You are one of the most sane people I know, David. The Antifa loony tunes you are talking about, along with the collections of purple hair, body piercing, alphabet soup sexual deviates are mentally ill. As you say, you can't win an argument with a lunatic so save your breath. That particularly goes for anyone religious. Religions are based on "faith". Faith is what you fall back on when there is no evidence to support your belief system. Anyway, keep on keeping on . . . you're on the right track, not a siding.

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Maybe just time to get out of Portland?

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