Hi David,

Excellent article! I couldn't have said it better. I was a long time wobbly who was friends with Utah Phillips and Mark Ross. I disengaged from the wobblies a while back but have tried over the past ten plus years to reengage. However, my attempts were met with silence. During the Canadian Truckers' protest, I went to the Ottawa IWW branch newsletter to see what was going on from their perspective. Their writings were all about name calling them Trump supporters, racists, and fascists. I wrote to the Ottawa wobs saying that they should reach out to them and try to dialogue with them, that is what wobblies of the past would've done. The response was calling me a racist and fascist. No attempt at explaining why they would take the words of the govn't and Canadian govn't mouthpiece, the CBC, as the truth. Go to the people and learn what and why they were doing what they were doing, if you don't know. Instead the protestors were labelled, placed in a box and denigrated as enemies. Thereby helping the Canadian Govn't and their lackeys with the repression of the protestors. What a disgrace to the name of the IWW and all those fine folks of the past (and those currently) who fought against the forces of repression and for free speech.

I recently reconnected with you, your music and your writings. Thank you for staying strong and continuing the fight. I'm so thankful you are writing articles like these to help wake people up to what the current Cointelpro operations are and what it is doing to divide the people against themselves. Your work is invaluable. In Solidarity!

It would be great if you could make it to my neck of the woods. I'd make what efforts necessary to realize it.

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Thanks for your comment tr. I don’t mean to hijack the thread, but if you don’t mind, would you make a brief comment on the Canadian Truckers protest? It got pretty little coverage here, and much of it made them look pretty bad. Yet from my perspective, it looked like the government and the press was quite unfair. How do you see it?

Apologies to Dave Rovics- If this is inappropriate, just delete it and I won’t be hurt.

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good to hear from you. i completely agree with you about what the iww should have done vis-a-vis the canadian truckers, rather than joining the sectarian left/liberal attacks against them. the response to the truckers convoys from so many people i know was intensely embarrassing and counter-productive, making me feel more "politically homeless" than ever.

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You're always welcome in the Scottish IWW branches David!

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Mr. Rovics,

I agree with the spirit of your article but I believe you are placing the blame in the wrong place.

First, the IWW has been a rather moribund organization for some time. The issue of locals down right not doing events, etc., I feel is not a product of "cancel culture," but the fact that the IWW is nowadays largely (and unfortunately) a radical history buffs' organization. I will give you this as an example: I had a friend briefly attempt to start a local in Texas some years ago, which didn't pan out. When this friend contacted the larger organization to return the materials to go to organizing efforts elsewhere, he simply never even got a response. He wasn't cancelled or whatnot, the org. itself is just not run properly.

I take some issue with your framing of the campaign against you since your "cancelling." I believe you have largely been unjustly maligned, and I have made that point and defended your music and career strongly in several communities I am in. But I think there are real, substantial differences between the campaign against you and the actual phenomenon of "cancelling" more widely.

First, no one of any real means can be "cancelled." See, in pop culture world for example, Drake and his behavior towards minors, Dave Chappelle and his discriminatory routines against transgender individuals, Russell Brand—even Louis CK still has a career of sorts despite his "cancelling." The only times "cancelling" has been successful has been when the evidence was too large to ignore: Weinstein, P Diddy, perhaps Andrew Tate to a less successful extent.

Second, when you say people are cancelled or excluded upon being "deemed...to make some people feel unsafe," I must take issue with this phraseology. Often times, people are judged to have made people unsafe by real, material, harmful actions. You know as well as I do that there are musicians and activists out there who exploit their positions to exploit and harm other people (the somewhat recent example of Caleb Maupin and his sexual exploitation of his erstwhile comrades comes to immediate mind), and those people need to be excluded in my view.

What has happened to you is not "cancelling," in my opinion, but simply the unjust targeting of left-wing activist by liberals and opportunists on the left. I think your embrace of the "cancel culture" rhetoric, despite your best intentions and just cause, is a tactical mistake. It means much more to the right than it does to the left. You are not cancelled, you were attacked by left-opportunists and liberal Zionists who attack anyone for opposing Israel. I think the same applies to your interview of Heimbach. I think the criticism of your platforming of Matthew Heimbach is more valid than you let on. Did you change Heimbach's views? Did you learn anything from him? Heimbach claimed (and I suppose still claims) to have become a "nationalist socialist" and whatnot rather than a Nazi, but to take your own allusion to the politics of the Weimar, we've seen this before in the "beefsteak Nazis" of the SA—and they were the most ardent and violent opponents of the Social Democrats and Comintern Marxists before Hitler's solidification of power. What of value, if any, is truly found in approaching those already radicalized on the right rather than those who have no consciousness at all—particularly now that those right-wing elements now have the government on their side?

Regardless, I hope to see you succeed despite the attempts of YouTube and other platforms to silence you. I have been a fan of yours since I was in high school.

Kind regards,


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I’m generally not inclined to defend David, but here goes.

People can be cancelled; the most obvious example is probably New York’s former governor Cuomo. His sins were questionable, and he was never convicted of anything, unlike Weinstein and, presumably, Diddy and Tate. Yet he lost his position. Even cost his brother his job (though I personally think that may have been justified). And many people of much less power have lost jobs and careers for perceived injustices. Remember the Central Park birdwatchers?

I doubt David expected to change Heimbach’s views (there’s no harm in trying) but that isn’t a requirement. The idea that cancelling, or just punishing David, for speaking with Heimbach is unacceptable.

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It makes me sad to hear reports of a once great movement, in the working class, becoming a tool of division for the political class. The "one big union" needs to be inclusive not exclusive to be effective. Remember your perspective is just one of many and everyone has the right to think.

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Long time UK peace activist and trade unionist, and no intention of ever joining a political party again. I no longer trust politicians to do what they say, or to have a conscience, or to be concerned about anything or one than themselves. Keep singing, ignore the folk who whine, or lie. I'll back any good cause or campaign and not worry about every little belief or background the person beside me has or had. That was madness lies.

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Great article Dave! I saw a similar problem in the Teamster's that raised my ire with seeing the president of the Teamster's speak at the last GOP convention. (Fortunately other locals broke with the leadership and supported the Harris campaign) This finally led me to reconsidering large union support, I now study anarchist thoughts and views, but oh, what a opportunity the IWW has now at its feet! It sucks that you aren't supported at these events, but know I believe in your music and sacrifice for all people's in solidarity. Rock on Brother!

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Lifetime union member here, and most times Republican. I was kind of happy to see the Teamsters at the Republican convention. To David’s point, no one should be excluded and certainly shouldn’t be penalized for who they speak to.

While most union leaders still lean Democratic, my biased, anecdotal, but likely accurate impression is that most members voted Republican in the last election. It is hardly clear that one party is pro-union and the other anti.

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