What a shame, David. I have never used social media and it has been extremely difficult to attract new families to my family singing group which has been in 3 Bay Area cities since 1975. But I have never had the problems I have been having since Covid 19 in 2020 and

it shows no improvement now that we have vaccines, masks & other protocols available. I include all kinds of traditional music in what I teach & have won 2 prestigious awards here in Oakland. I agree with you that independent musicians, artists & thinkers in every field are noticing this, and being affected by it. btw: find and read "The Invisible Shrinking Man" a

profound book made into a movie in 1955. The movie is great.

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It seems that today anyone who does not agree with ones opinion, however ill-informed or bigoted this opinion may be, has to be not just wrong but also evil. Unfortunately, while this applies mainly to the right, it does also apply to a more moderate degree to some on the left side of the spectrum.

Love most of you work, first came across it several 15 years back. Well done and good luck, even if not good fortune at the moment!

(have you listened to Charlotte Peters Rock, poet and protest song writer, look her up she deserves to be better known?)

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It makes me wonder how many other people who engage in any form of dissent to the American Empire are being ghosted like this to varying degrees. I am sorry that you are facing this kind of persecution.

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