Jun 9Liked by David Rovics

This is particularly a problem in Olympia. I had a front row seat trying to avoid a hostile takeover of Media Island International. I was blown away by the circle of people who protested us bringing you up for a show. People still dislike me for standing up against their organized attempt to take over control of what we maintained as a radically open space. In 2017 a board shuffle, aimed at diversity,was powerfully backed by similar factions of people. Now, lo and behold, the person who controls MII has come out on Tic toc as a supporter of Zionism.

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when i look into it i find that although some of my critics portray themselves as critical of israel, when they're asked to choose between supporting israel or not, they say they support israel. it's very telling.

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Jun 19Liked by David Rovics

There is so much divide and conquer brainwashing propaganda in the media. I recently saw a man vs bear meme (which fosters gender division) recently posted by an account associated with Occupy Wall Street. It seems like a converted effort by kleptocrats to make us hate each other and ourselves, rather than focussing on solutions or on their financial crimes. Union bank in NYC, and other western industrialists and royals funded Hitler and the Nazis (it takes capital investment to build standing armies and autobahns and Germany was broke, actually broken by the Dulles bros, conspirators and their treaty of Versaille terms) in order to stave off popular uprisings at the time (those pesky commies bayonetted King George's cousin the Czar after all). As far as Israel, remember the Lavon Affair. I'm sure my Jewish ancestors didn't suffer and die at the hands of Nazis just so Zion could run amok!

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Dave, I just read your essay and am in general agreement. Fascist behavior is fascist behavior, whether (historically, by Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Marcos, Suharto, Pinochet ,or Pol Pot. What we are seeing here is incipient, sprouting fascism of the type you describe. What I think you have missed, and correct me if I am wrong, is the strobe-light warning of that very phenomenon with regard to the covid response. Even if these purported "vaccines" were (and now the claim is utterly discredited) "safe and effective," along with coercive mask-wearing and 6-foot social distancing" is a method for testing the waters for heavier fascism. The proper response is DEFIANCE, NOT COMPLIANCE. We (those of us who have truly been paying attention) know that both the modified corona virus (US Patent number 7,279.327 B2) AND these infernal MRNA injections are in fact bio-weapons.

When asked to believe either lock-step spokespeople for the dominant narrative who are doing exactly what they are told to do, or courageous people in their professions* who speak out as whistleblowers, risking reputations, friendships, collegial support, licenses and sometimes even their very lives, I will believe the latter! So should any other free-thinking person!

*Among them (of dozens) Medical doctors Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Meryl Nass, John Campbell, the late Rashid Buttar ( poisoned to death) along with researchers feminist author Naomi Wolf (who has documented the devastating effect on women's reproductive systems), Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Tess Lawrie (see her reading of the great poem "MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE" by Margaret Anna Alice, and former Pfizer vice president Michael Yeadon.

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Thanks David. So true. The most absurd claim is that gender critical feminists are “fascist.” Trantifa will show up and try to beat up women speaking out in defense of their hard-won sex-based rights, then accuse them of being “Nazis in sheep’s clothing.” As if the Right ever hid its hatred.

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I think the key to Shane Burley is to ask, "What is the Zionist agenda for the United States?" I think it's clear that disabling the pro Palestine and anti zionist movements is priority number one.

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recently i wrote a piece titled "what would cointelpro do?" it's one thing to have evidence that someone works for whoever, and it's another thing to observe that they are carrying out the zionist agenda of dividing the pro-palestine movement. which shane most certainly has made his modus operandi for many years now.

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He sounds like a proper Narcissist, a real one.

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