Whew. That was intense and good.

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Funny probably isn’t the right term, but sarcasm might be. I’m not sure where you are getting your truth from, but would like to see the source. It doesn’t seem Aljazeera, or even Hamas for that matter, is presenting a narrative like yours.

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be careful what you mean by "a narrative like yours." you're referring to a song lyric. you're referring specifically to the first verse of a song. every word is carefully placed. you won't find any lies in my songs. the entire truth about many things isn't known. you can assume the worst and base your assumptions on the stenographers of israeli propaganda (which is what you prefer to do here) or you can make different assumptions based on historical reality. that's what i'm doing. here's an article you should read, too. and you're wrong about al-jazeera. i listen to them constantly. they've covered this regularly, but they also do the "both sides" thing a lot, which is good. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231030-report-7-october-testimonies-strikes-major-blow-to-israeli-narrative/

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Thanks for the link to Middle East Monitor. Per Wikipedia, “MEMO is pro-Palestinian in orientation and supports Islamist causes. MEMO is regarded as an outlet for the Muslim Brotherhood and its website strongly promotes pro-Hamas related content.“ So not a remotely unbiased source, but still good to hear the other side.

Yet even this source only says that some of the casualties are friendly fire by the IDF. In other words, Hamas came to the concert and the kibbutz to intentionally murder and kidnap civilians, but in stopping them, Israel accidentally killed some of their own people. I have no doubt that is true, and would never have thought otherwise. Many war casualties are friendly fire.

You may not be aware of it, but MEMO’s main witness Yasmin Porat’s story is covered by US media; she even made wikipedia. No one is a bigger critic of the media than me (well, maybe you) but taken all together - The NY Times, NY Post, Substack, Glenn Greenwald (is he American? I’d say so), Seymour Hirsch, Bari Weiss, Tucker Carlson, etc - I think we do as good a job as anybody.

So your lyrics still sound like lying to me. And in your written response as well, your narrative was pretty clear, “the idf came in and slaughtered their own citizens”.

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Let me get this straight - Hamas came in just to attack the military, then the IDF killed all the Israeli kids and burned their houses? Did the IDF plant the hostages in Gaza too?

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you think you're funny, but you're just ignorant. yes, the idf came in and slaughtered their own citizens. you got a problem with that reality? i do, too. but i don't pretend israeli propaganda is truth, unlike you. i have a problem with reality, not with israel's manufactured version of it. all the palestinian people are hostages, phil.

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Tomorrow is remembrance day. Good timing to release this. Just in case, least we forget what is happening right now!

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