I’m just thinking that a movement mainly interested in ‘comfort,’ ‘safety,’ and acceptance,’ isn’t going to stray very far from conformity. Syndicalist conformists?!

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That's bonkers.

Great book too.

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After seeing what has transpired in the recent elections in British Columbia, Canada, and the United States the modern left will not reflect and change. Instead, I see NGOs and modern leftists calling for bureaucrats to run the governments and ignore the democratically elected leaders or opposition party.

It has to burn down, the modern left, to allow others to rebuild. Our leftist friends in Africa, Asia and Latin American are still our allies and friends.

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Seeing how "the left" has been highjacked and transformed into this unrecognisable, embarrassing monstrosity, happy to fight inane culture wars perpetually while ignoring the class war altogether, it's high time we abolished the obsolete terms left-right, that served the 18th century but now only serve divide and conquer tactics.

We need to realign along class lines, without terminology getting in the way of solidarity. Anti-establishment is more accurate, as it does away with the well established fake left as well, and can include people from across the spectrum

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Totally agree.

I look forward to David never getting cancelled again unless it is an act of nature.

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There is no organised Left left.

Every politically viable party has come under the thrall of Neoliberal (let the 1% Rule, through market manipulation, end regulation, "shrink gov't") and Zionist ideologies.

The best definition of the Left wing is the Left punches UP the social ladder, fighting for greater equality for all.

Right wing punches DOWN the social hierarchies, on behalf of the Ruling classes.

When formerly left/liberal parties abandoned the majority of social reforms (eg Keynsian economics, high taxation of the rich, & their corporations) won by the two world wars of the 20th C. in exchange for "woke" identity politics, we all lose.

This sea change occurred almost 35 years ago, when the Soviet Bloc imploded.

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